Divorce your story and marry the truth

Divorce your story and marry the truth


I heard this saying for the first time while at a live event with Tony Robbins. At first it sounded so odd 🤔 but then started to make so much sense 💡. I thought it is a base for Any change in life. Let me explain!

We often come up with a story (and it may change at different stages of our life) that just makes us feel comfortable and complacent. Something like 🤢“I don’t have enough experience to get a better job”, or 🤢“I wasn’t born in a rich family to achieve success”, or 🤢“I’m not smart enough to attract a good partner”, or 🤢“I’m not brave enough to start my own business”, or 🤢“the market is in a bad shape now", you name it.
Those are the Stories 🚫.

The Truth is that 🔅we are not willing to put enough time and effort, or 🔅we are not willing to feel uncomfortable, or 🔅we don’t want to face a chance of rejection or failure, or 🔅we don’t want to take responsibility, etc.

Do you see the difference?
Any Real 🚀 change, any Real progress require to
1. identify all the stories we keep operating on
2. admit all the benefits we have been getting
3. see the truth for what it is
4. take massive action towards the New behavior!

❓️What stories have You been telling yourself and what Truth you want to commit to?